Chiropractor Lismore – Health Hub Chiro

Our Chiropractors

Vesna Aleksic

Vesna Aleksic

Chiropractor & Owner

Vesna says, "Chiropractic is the foundation of true health. When the spine and nervous system are working at its best you can then build on this and further improve your health through better lifestyle habits, proper nutrition, hydration, exercise and relaxation."

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Gabriela Petersen

Gabriela Petersen


*Gabriela is currently on maternity leave*

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Our Vision

Our vision at The Health Hub Chiro is to make that optimally healthy life available to our clients. When you visit us at The Health Hub Chiro, we begin with your case history. Your background about your health, such as surgeries, accidents, the onset of your condition, and other details affecting your current health is important.

Our Experience

With 20 years of experience in the Chiropractic industry, Vesna is focused on bringing the benefits of a healthy life to as many people as she can.

Having previously owned her own practice in Sydney, The Health Hub Chiro is her way of bringing her passion for health to the community in the Northern Rivers - located at the Lismore Health Hub. With the right environment, Vesna believes that an optimally healthy life is accessible to all.