Chiropractor Lismore – Health Hub Chiro

Spinal Alignment Variations from Birth

Congenital spine anomalies are deformities present at birth, often identified through X-rays or other imaging. They range from minor issues that may not cause problems to more severe conditions like scoliosis, kyphosis, torticollis, lordosis, and other vertebral defects. The exact causes aren’t fully understood but likely involve a mix of genetic and environmental factors, including exposure to toxins and certain diseases like Down syndrome.

Signs can include visibly curved or deformed spines, mobility issues, pain, and other complications. Treatment options vary based on severity and type of anomaly, ranging from exercise, physical therapy, and bracing for milder cases to surgical correction for more severe deformities. Early detection and appropriate intervention are crucial for managing these conditions effectively.

If you would like to learn more you can check out this article.

X-rays support your care

Why X-rays Are Important

X-rays give us a clear view of your spine and other structures, enabling us to identify misalignments, fractures, and other abnormalities that may not be visible through a physical examination alone. This detailed insight helps us tailor your treatment plan to address your specific needs accurately.

One of the significant benefits of x-rays is their ability to detect potential problems before they become symptomatic. By catching issues early, we can implement preventive measures to stop minor issues from developing into more serious conditions. This proactive approach supports your long-term health and helps you maintain optimal function.

X-rays are a crucial component of chiropractic care, allowing us to deliver personalised, effective, and safe treatments. By understanding the importance of x-rays, you can feel confident in the care you receive and trust that we are dedicated to supporting your health journey.

If you have any questions about x-rays or your treatment plan, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

International Scoliosis Awareness Month June

Scoliosis is the deviation of the spine from the center of the body which appears as a sideways bending. It is more common in girls and occurs is approximately 4% of the population. Scoliosis is caused by birth defects, old age and other spinal conditions aquired over time. The severity of the curve may vary, and so too can the symptoms, from being asymptomatic to a combination of reduced flexibility, muscular imbalance, back pain, and problems with breathing. Scoliosis can be treated and managed with bracing, exercises, physiotherapy, chiropractic, and surgery.



Please click on the following link if you would like to read more on scoliosis:

Spine Health Week

Spinal Health Week


Are You Struggling with Back Pain? You’re Not Alone


If you are one of the 4 out of 5 Australians who experience back pain, you’re not alone. Back pain is the single leading cause of disability globally and can often lead to poorer quality of life. Without proper treatment, the consequences can be severe, impacting your ability to lead a full and active life.

This Spinal Health Week (20-26 May) we are asking our patients and community to Consult a Chiro and stop back pain in its tracks. Right across the country, over 6.1 million Australians are suffering from debilitating back pain, making it a national health concern.

Regardless of your age or background, it’s highly likely that you or a family member will experience back pain, which may even become chronic if left untreated. Chiropractic care is a low-risk and effective avenue of treatment for back pain and chiropractors have been successfully helping people with back pain for over 100 years and fully understand the functioning of the spine and the nervous system which runs through it.

If you suffer from back problems and you’re tired of pain holding you back, chiropractic can help.

We at Health Hub Chiro are well-equipped to care for back pain and Spinal Health Week is a great time to make an appointment with us to find out how we can help alleviate the burden of back pain in your life.
You can also visit for more information on how you can improve your spinal health and overall wellbeing.


Pregnancy and Chiro

pregnancy and chiropractic

Although pregnancy ultimately brings a beautiful gift of life, it is also accompanied by hormonal, postural, and body changes. These changes can result the onset of neck and back discomfort and pain, which is in part due to the increasing size of the abdomen, which alters the mechanics of the spine and centre of gravity, and because of the increase in the hormone relaxin, which loosens ligaments and soft tissue in preparation for birth. Maintaining good pelvic and spinal alignment during pregnancy may also help the baby more easily find the optimum positioning for a natural birth.


If you like you can read more about about pregnancy and how chiropractic can help.


Kids Posture

Kids posture

Children’s posture is a continually changing aspect that can affect their spinal health and development. As they grow, it is of vital importance to ensure habits of good and healthy posture. Parents can teach their kids about their spine and the importance of good posture. Additionally, parents can ensure kids wear comfortable footwear, use their school backpack correctly, adopt good posture when using computers and technology, and regularly exercise, move, and play.


If you would like, you can read more on kids posture and easy exercises to improve posture.