Chiropractor Lismore – Health Hub Chiro

Self Care

Self Love
Self Love

Someone once said “You cannot pour from an empty cup.”  Sound advice. It is the month of Love, so make filling your cup and caring for yourself a priority. Self care is an important aspect to optimal health and well-being. It is the act of purposeful tasks to nurture physical, emotional and mental health. Here are 5 easy ways to begin self care this month:

1. Physical Health – Be proactive about your health. Sleep well. Eat well. Exercise often.

2. Socialise – Life gets busy. But take the time an energy to cultivate the bonds of friendship and family.

3. Mental Health – Maintain a healthy inner dialogue. Keep your mind sharp and indulge your curiosity with mentally stimulating activities.

4. Spiritual – Spirituality can mean meditation, prayer or just finding a deeper sense of meaning with the universe.

5. Emotional Well-being – Speaking to someone about and adopting healthy coping mechanisms to deal with difficult emotions like anxiety, anger and sadness.