Chiropractor Lismore – Health Hub Chiro

Self Care

Self Love
Self Love

Someone once said “You cannot pour from an empty cup.”  Sound advice. It is the month of Love, so make filling your cup and caring for yourself a priority. Self care is an important aspect to optimal health and well-being. It is the act of purposeful tasks to nurture physical, emotional and mental health. Here are 5 easy ways to begin self care this month:

1. Physical Health – Be proactive about your health. Sleep well. Eat well. Exercise often.

2. Socialise – Life gets busy. But take the time an energy to cultivate the bonds of friendship and family.

3. Mental Health – Maintain a healthy inner dialogue. Keep your mind sharp and indulge your curiosity with mentally stimulating activities.

4. Spiritual – Spirituality can mean meditation, prayer or just finding a deeper sense of meaning with the universe.

5. Emotional Well-being – Speaking to someone about and adopting healthy coping mechanisms to deal with difficult emotions like anxiety, anger and sadness.

How to Minimise Back Pain in the Workplace

The human body is a dynamic organism, and being in one position for too long can lead to back stiffness, tightness, and even pain. However, there are a few things you can do to prevent and minimise back pain when working in an office:

1. Proper ergonomics: a supportive chair that allows for both feet to be firmly on the ground and your knees and hips to rest at 90 degrees. The small of your back should be supported, but if it isn’t, use a small cushion to help fill up the space. Make sure to also bring your chair as close as you can to your desk so that you’re not having to reach your arms and shoulders forward to use the keyboard and mouse.

2. Adjust screen height: Ensure your screen is relatively at eye level and clearly visible. Even if this means having to increase the font size to eliminate the need to squint and get closer to the screen, which can strain the neck.

3. Take frequent breaks: A break doesn’t necessarily mean having to leave your workspace entirely. Just remaining near your desk, stretching, and moving around in place can help to move and lubricate joints. Preferably, though, taking a short, 1-minute walk every hour (to a colleague’s desk or the printer) would be best. Just make sure to move.


If you are struggling with back pain or would like further information, get in touch with your chiropractor.


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Tendons are fibrous, rope-like extensions of a muscle that attach muscle to bone. Tendonitis occurs when a tendon is irritated and microtears develop, which leads to inflammation and pain. The irritation that triggers tendonitis may be caused by an injury, age, or a career or activity that involves repetitive actions. Chiropractic treatment can help reduce pain and inflammation by restoring mobility, improving posture, and re-educating activities.

Please click on the following link if you would like to read more on tendonitis and chiropractic:

Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual Syndrome
Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome affects approximately 80% of women, with 10-20% of them reporting disabling symptoms. PMS is a collection of symptoms that will often occur a week before a woman’s menstrual cycle and can range from breast tenderness, bloating, irritability, mood swings, headaches and backache, to name a few. Chiropractic has been reported to help manage and relieve some of the symptoms of PMS. So, if you are struggling with PMS, get in-touch with your chiropractor to find out more.


Please click on the following link to read further on PMS and chiropractic:



The medical term for sharp, shooting pain from a damaged or irritated nerve is known as neuralgia. Neuralgia can occur in any part of the body and may range from mild to severe in intensity of pain. Trauma, ageing, illnesses such as Shingles and diabetes, and pressure applied to a nerve by a bone or tumour, have been known to cause neuralgia. Chiropractic treatment gets to the crux of the problem and focuses on improving nerve and joint function, which alleviates undue pressure and helps to clear nerve interferences.


Please click on the following link if you would like to read more on neuralgia:

Bell’s Palsy

Bell's Palsy
Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy is characterised by the sudden or gradual onset of severe weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles, causing drooping of one side of the face. This is thought to be be linked to the swelling and inflammation of the cranial facial (VII) nerve which supplies the muscles of the face. The facial nerve may become inflamed because of trauma, infection or immune related illnesses. The majority of people that develop Bell’s palsy will recover without treatment. However, chiropractic in conjunction with other treatment methods may be beneficial in managing the symptoms of Bell’s palsy.


Please click on the following link if you would like to read more about Bell’s Palsy: